Jenny Freeman
Dip.Couns, MBACP (Accred)
Counselling via telephone, Zoom & face-to-face in Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom
tel: 0790 3623 721
Counselling & Psychotherapy
Sometimes, raised stress levels in past environments where we lived, meant that our nervous system was working quite hard over a long period of time, and feeling anxious has become a way of being.
The idea of being relaxed for most of the time,
is unfamiliar to us.
I am passionate about helping clients move beyond the crippling experience of living in a state of anxiety.
To regain balance, I work collaboratively with the client to explore how to help them find peace and balance within their life again. I don't use a "one size fits all" approach.
The experience of long-term heightened anxiety, panic-attacks, health anxiety, or phobias are really symptoms of how a person feels overall, in terms of how comfortable or uncomfortable, how relaxed or unrelaxed they feel in life, in general.
The body and mind may have become out of balance.
Our minds and bodies can naturally process a certain amount of upset and then regulate back to a relaxed state after a period of time. But if we are not able to calm down after small or large events, or a series of events, over time the stress snowballs until we get to a stage where, logically, we know we are over-worrying but we are unable to “think” ourselves back down from this state. Sometimes this continues until the body sends a message, such as an illness or panic attacks to tell you that you must stop and address the issue. The body is the messenger, trying to help us take the time to work through the imbalance.
Sometimes we get to this point because our lifestyle is very busy, or we have had a number of small or large stresses happen and they haven’t been fully processed and healed before the next things happens, and our nervous system starts to get fatigued.
Sometimes, raised stress levels in past environments where we lived, meant that our nervous system was working quite hard over a long period of time, and feeling anxious has become a way of being. The idea of being relaxed for most of the time, is then quite unfamiliar to us.
When this happens we may be unconsciously creating stress in our lives, in order to create an environment where stress levels are raised, because this is our "normal".
So my job is to help my clients understand their anxious feelings better. To deepen their understanding of how they hold tension in the body, and to bring to awareness how we are responding to stress.
We will explore what has helped in the past, what could be done differently in the now, and look at overall lifestyle and see if we have been sucked into the modern phenomenon of cramming activity and stimulation into every part of our lives.
Each of us know what is the right amount of activity for our own lives, and it varies from person to person. But it is sometimes helpful to reflect on what type of life we want. Whether it is possible to place a high priority on peace, on balance, and on wellbeing.
This in turn helps my clients enjoy a better quality of life. Not a life completely free of anxiety, because concern for making choices, meeting responsibilities and keeping ourselves safe is a necessary part of our functioning.
But we can learn that we have the power to choose how we want to be, in the world. The external events will happen, but if we can learn to have a calm, self-compassionate response to what happens, we can free up energy to enjoy our lives more fully.
The work
We will work together to try to deepen our understanding of how you may have come to this point where anxiety is an issue.
This will include a holistic approach, where we explore factors such as past and present experiences, hereditary genetic factors, environment/situational factors, thinking style.
This might include making a day-to-day, long-term plan the client can then use to move towards rebalancing the nervous system.